The former number one mobile on Tuesday unveiled the Lumia 2520, a touch pad 4G and Wi-Fi, as well as new Lumia and Asha phones.
Nokia unveiled Tuesday morning a touchscreen tablet equipped with Windows 8.1 RT, 2520 Lumia. The CEO of the former number one mobile, Stephen Elop, was very proud to draw his latest gadget on the scene of the Nokia World conference. While Apple must have a new iPad Tuesday, Nokia performs a coup in entering this market with 4G and Wi-Fi enabled product Finn focused on the 6.7 megapixel camera equipped with Carl Zeiss optics (an industry first) but also on the readability outdoors: the 10.1-inch screen offers high brightness and reflections are limited.
The group offers a video editing application, Nokia Video Director, allowing users to make and share clips. A game was also developed in partnership with Dream Works: Dragons Adventure. The tablet Nokia comes the day of the official launch of two new tablets from Microsoft, the Surface 2 (Windows 8.1 RT) and Surface Pro 2 (Windows 8.1).
Nokia also unveiled at the same conference new Lumia smartphone models, the 1520 (699 euros) and 1320 (369 euros). These "phablets" (halfway between the phone and tablet) have a six-inch screen (1080p and 720p respectively), and are capable of displaying six columns of "tiles" dynamic dear to Windows Phone. The operating system is gaining passage acclaim, as two heavyweights have announced the launch of dedicated applications: Instagram and Vine. The entry-level Nokia, the Asha phones, is also expanding with the Asha 500, 502 and 503.
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